The Government will deploy community health promoters to boost healthcare service delivery in the country.

President William Ruto said the Government will train the health promoters to handle minor illnesses at the community level.

He said the Government will spend KSh3.5 billion to equip them to offer preventive healthcare.

“Our hospitals are full of people with minor aliments, which if managed early will decongest our hospitals,” he said.

He spoke during Sunday service at Christ Church Cathedral in Kakamega County.

The President said that the Government is committed to ensuring devolution is successful but will not borrow from foreign lenders to pay counties.

The President said increasing food production will reduce the cost of living.

“We will progressively invest in agriculture and support our farmers because increasing food production is the solution to reducing the cost of food,” he said.

Present were Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, Governors Fernandes Barasa (Kakamega), Johnson Sakaja (Nairobi) and a host of MPs and MCAs led by Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale.

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