We will review NHIF to cater for more Kenyans.

The contribution structure of the National Health Insurance Fund will be reviewed to ease medical burden on Kenyans.

President William Ruto said the new model will pay a focus on households rather than individuals.

He said his administration was keen on ensuring all Kenyans have access to affordable and quality medical care.

He explained that the national Government will partner with counties to mainstream community health workers and make them the foundation of the country’s healthcare.

“Health lies at the core of our development. We must revitalise primary healthcare, putting more attention on preventive and promotive strategies.”

He was addressing the country on Thursday during the Mashujaa Day celebrations in Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi County.

The President said the Government was committed to reviving agriculture to end perpetual hunger in the country.

He noted that the Government is already distributing quality inputs as well as ensuring that farmers have access to extension services to enhance production.

Appreciating that small enterprises are engines of growth, the President said the Government will ensure that they have access to affordable credit.

“We will also launch the Hustler Fund in December as part of our plan to facilitate the flourishing of such businesses.”

Meanwhile, the Government targets to increase housing supply from 50,000 to 200,000 a year.

The Head of State said 2,592 units have already been constructed while 40,452 are a work-in-progress.

“It is our commitment that every Kenyan has access to affordable housing,” he insisted.

He said he will personally take charge in confronting barriers to investment to unlock Kenya’s economic potential.

“We are evolving this Government from being a mere enabler to a sponsor of projects,” he reiterated.

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